How to read this report
• Where does the French public get their news and information from? What are their key ‘touchpoints’ when it comes to global development issues? • The first half of this deck reports the topline findings from our bespoke media survey on the French public’s media consumption, attitudes and practices. It reports data in the aggregate and independent of attitudes or engagement with global poverty. • The second half of the deck looks at three key audiences for development organisations – core supporters, neighboring issue non-supporters, centre-right on the fencers – and profiles their top media sources, top brands and charities, interests, who they follow, and their socio-demographic profile. These profiles are intended to help organisations understand and find audiences of interest.
• This research stemmed from conversations with development organizations who wanted to better understand how the French public use and consume different media • The research was conducted as part of the Aid Attitudes Tracker (AAT)/Development Engagement Lab (DEL) project in collaboration with Focus2030 and French Partner organisations who contributed to the design of the instrument through two workshops • The insights presented here come from two principal data sources • 1. AAT Media Consumption Survey, fieldwork by YouGov, January - March 2020 • 2. AAT Wave 10 Panel Survey, fieldwork by YouGov, June 2018